Thursday, September 29, 2011

On The Prowl In Africa: The Lives And Deaths Of Lions (PHOTOS)

The following is an excerpt from author and photographer Boyd Norton's new book, Serengeti: The Eternal Beginning, available October 1 from Fulcrum Publishing.

The lions started roaring about half an hour after I crawled into bed. I was just drifting off to sleep when they began. That famous MGM lion, with its wimpy snarl, can�??t begin to compare to Serengeti lions. These guys are loud, with resonant, deep-bellied roars that shake your tent poles and rattle dishes. They seem to last for minutes, ending with a series of throaty uuuf, uuuf, uuuf grunts like audible exclamation points added for emphasis.

The first of them came from the north edge of our camp. In a few moments a stereophonic reply boomed from the south side.


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